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Why your flyer is a valuable business tool

18 October 2016

When you commission a new piece of material for your business, you aren’t simply flyer printing a piece of art. A good piece of marketing collateral – be it a flyer, brochure or pull-up stand – should deliver a vital role in your sales and marketing strategy. Let’s take a closer look.

As a leave behind

When your sales team are making cold calls or visiting prospective clients, they need to have something to leave behind. This is when the flyer – and a business card – are ideal. Typically, this should be a basic two sider or 4 page A5 brochure with key messages to act as a reminder and to prompt a follow-up contact for more information.

As an attachment for emails and digital activity

When you or your sales team contact a client or prospective customer it is valuable to be able to send a digital version of your print materials. Your graphic designer will provide these for you. Graphics can also be produced for any email marketing you intend to carry out.

A follow up mailer

For those prospective customers who want more information, you will have a more detailed version of materials that present your product or service offer. These might be individual sheets or a combined brochure, again with digital and hard copy versions available to suit different needs. Most people still love to receive hard copy and will tend to refer to it! Find out more here.

For event attendance

Most businesses need to attend events to sell their products and services – especially in the B2B market. High quality print materials such as flyers, brochures and a pull up stand will instantly make your exhibition space eye-catching and of the right quality.

For point of sale activity

For B2C markets it is very useful to have high quality print materials available for customers looking for special offers or speculatively picking up information when they are in-store. This can assist with conversions and brand awareness – all from a simple flyer or card!

So remember, the humble business flyer works far harder than you might initially imagine. It can be a valuable part of your sales and marketing activity and help to drive forward those all-important sales!

Talk to the Experts

Whether you need flyers, leafletsĀ or anything else, Blue Ocean Printing has a fantastic range of products to suit any need, so get in touch or browse our site today to start thinking about the marketing material that your business needs.

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